Edward Snowden shed light on the intriguing concept of “extraterrestrial encryption.” Snowden theorized that any advanced civilization would inevitably encrypt all data transmissions as a natural step in their digital evolution, protecting their information from potential threats. He emphasized that our current digital age is akin to the wild west, where the exploitation of privacy is rampant and the true cost of our digital convenience is yet to be fully realized. Snowden posited that if we were to detect signals from an alien civilization, their communications would likely be encrypted and indistinguishable from cosmic background noise, highlighting the advanced measures such societies would take to safeguard their information.
I spent a few days filming with Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell in Florida... talking about UFOs, Psychokinesis, Government Coverups and Phenomenology.
The experience was astounding. Dr. Mitchell told me all about how he had studied Psychokinesis at Stanford Research Institute (and found it to be a REAL and TRUE scientific effect of consciousness). I personally failed miserably when I tried to bend one of his coffee spoons using only my mind (hence the note I had him sign after he teased me about it).
It was a great pleasure and honor to learn about Dr. Mitchell's world-view, and to hear him recall the "Seminal Moment" of when he was returning to Earth from his walk on the surface of the Moon.
Only twelve humans (acknowledged publicly), have ever walked on the surface of another world. Astronaut, Dr. Edgar Mitchell was the sixth man to do so. He's a MOONWALKER and an experiencer of remote-healing and the secret organization that covers up the extraterrestrial presence engaging humanity.
I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to document some of his stories.
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Creator, Extraordinary Beliefs
This is some extremely rare footage of a town hall meeting in the sleepy village of Warminster in the UK, just after the first of many strange and mass UFO sightings that became known globally as "The Thing".
Watching this video is astonishing really... the true and genuine fear caused to a small community of people pushed to the point of having a town hall meeting about the unexplained phenomenon. Much of the footage collected during this series of events (that lasted more than 10 years) was classified under the guise of national security by the Ministry of Defense (MOD) under the "Official Secrets Act" and sealed up and buried from the citizens or any public access.
The first sign of "The Thing" was during the Christmas of 1964, when residents heard a loud, unidentifiable whine. The strange sightings were reported in the Warminster Journal. In one year alone, more than 1,000 sightings of unidentified flying objects were recorded! They continued to be seen on a regular basis between 1965 and 1977.
In this video piece, watch how the cop draws the object that followed his police car on October 24th, 1967... astonishing.
What do you think?
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Creator, Extraordinary Beliefs
No... that’s not a LightSaber. It's a complex alloy “grown” in a scientific laboratory by a startup company in Seattle and reported on by FORTUNE MAGAZINE. The idea of “growing” high performance metals using electricity and nanotechnology (in a cheap and energy efficient way), reminds me of when BOB LAZAR (the UFO "Cosmic Whistleblower", thorn in the governments side and all around controversial scientist), described the “injection mold” concept of the Non-Terrestrial Flying Saucer technology he reported to have worked on back in 1989 at an über secret military sub-base south of Area 51 called S4. This simple impression Lazar got when he described climbing into the extraterrestrial spacecraft for the first time, has always stuck with me and carried an air of importance. Lazar described a craft without bolts, rivets or even a single sharp or angular edge. Everything was rounded. The whole spaceship, seemed to Lazar, to somehow have been fabricated from a single piece of interactive alloy. Back in 1989, the only thing he could relate the visual experience and possible production method was an "injection mold" type of process.
Fast forward a quarter century, and as you may be aware, we can already print (some) metals on a rudimentary level using 3D printers... and someday, it's theorized that we might be able to print on the atomic or molecular level. Sadly, humanity is no where near this technology today (as far as the public knows). BUT, the article in FORTUNE MAGAZINE describes a process that is in-fact quite unique, and this technology of “growing" metals seems that it could become a game changer if adequately researched and developed. And it's already happening! High-Five to science.
Additionally, I recently asked Lazar if he thought this could be a step forward towards the material science he reports to have seen while working at S4 in the year 1989, and Lazar stated...
"This is quite possibly exactly how the craft’s structure was formed. I think it’s potentially a very important connection." - Bob Lazar, September 3rd 2015
So I'm fascinated to learn more about this company and their specific technique, as I too think it might hold a key to understand what Lazar witnessed during those months in 1989. What other technologies would the most guarded BLACK BUDGET PROGRAM of the United States (or a faction there of), be hiding from public scrutiny, the scientific community and humanity at large?
What do you think? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments below.
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Creator, Extraordinary Beliefs