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With absolute certainty - most of what you read about Bob Lazar - his personality, personal life and personal history - is incorrect. People often seem stuck in a position - and lazily copy/paste tired and false arguments, written with bias. It’s a sad digital regurgitation and deferment of personal intellect. I’ve had to limit spending my time answering the same questions - attempting to clear up falsehoods and fabricated myths about Bob. It’s more time then I have - to jump into circular discussions. Ignorant and venomous statements about Bob are usually based on “something I read on the internet”. There aren’t that many people that have actually been close enough to get the real story. For this reason, I almost forgive the ignorance - but not the personal attacks. Careful who you pay attention to.

Bob doesn’t care if he is believed by any particular individual. He’s had to adopt that barrier over the decades of personal attacks. You see that aspect in my film when I’m questioning Bob about how the UFO circus has affected him (during the scene where he’s making fireworks). 

It’s up to every individual to decide for themselves. My advice is to pay attention to what Bob has said himself. Video of him talking about his own experiences. Be cautious to NOT give as much value to second-hand statements. The vast majority of that what I’ve seen online is bullshit - straight up - verifiable bullshit. Garbage - from folks trying to get attention or notoriety for being “anti-Lazar “. But this will be transparent when you look at “tone” of composition.

Ultimately, everybody wants to know the same thing, which is... “Is Bob Lazar worthy of your trust?” For what value you place on my position of opinion - unequivocally - I will tell you that he IS worthy of your trust. I will also say with conviction, that I find it reckless to discount Bob - especially based on limited awareness.

All opinions are NOT created equal. Some have more value. So turn your filter WAY THE FUCK UP.

I hope my movie helped you to see the man himself. And bet your ass I’m going to release more. Details that will become potent to the discussion.

Here is a link to watch my film on Netflix so you can form your own understanding and Weaponize Your Curiosity : Bob Lazar : Area 51 & Flying Saucers

Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Creator, Extraordinary Beliefs