In WEAPONIZED, Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp pull back the veil on the world of the known, to explore the unexplained. This multi-platform investigative series features exclusive interviews, never-before-seen footage, previously-suppressed documents, original audio and video recordings, and hard evidence related to UFOs, the paranormal, cutting-edge science, cover-ups, conspiracies, and big-time crimes. Original, groundbreaking conversations with government whistleblowers, spies, spooks, scientists, military officials, muckraking journalists, filmmakers, historians, artists, musicians, and major celebrities will cast a wide shadow through the other-world… and detail the human experiences that inform these extraordinary phenomena. Your curiosity will be WEAPONIZED.
Full audio episodes will be published across all podcast platforms - and in visual form - exclusively at WeaponizedPodcast.com and on Corbell’s YouTube channel. New episodes will be released Tuesdays.
WEAPONIZED is a presentation of Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp, Dark Horse Entertainment and Cadence13 Studios.