"My friend and Huffington Post writer, Lee Speigel, was responsible for bringing the topic of UFOs to the UN in 1978.  He produced a UFO “album” on vinyl back in 1976.  Not many people have heard this.  Please keep it totally private, as with all these links.  Anyway… the content of his recording is more relevant today, than even back then.  He interviews some of the most credible individuals… political types, police, scientists, astronauts, etc.  It is just EPIC… with a CHILLING original interview with Betty Hill.  Anyway… give it a listen and you will see." - Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell

Why “UFOs: The Credibility Factor” became a classic

When it was first released in 1976, as a documentary vinyl record album, “UFOs: The Credibility Factor” became an instant classic, for the following reasons:

First time a major recording company, CBS Inc., backed a UFO-related product.

First time so many credible and respected voices were heard together.

First time a UFO-related product was sold on TV via a 2-min. commercial.

Album narrator was John Newland, host/director of the classic 50s-60s TV show “One Step Beyond.”

One of the few UFO-related products, chosen by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, to be offered for sale in the renowned Edmund Scientific catalog.

From album liner notes Produced by E. Lee Speigel
Executive Producer: Jeffrey T. Delinko
Music: Patrick Adams
Written by E. Lee Speigel with Karen Dawn Ehrlich
Engineer: Randy Adler 


People appearing on album in order of speaking:

Donald Flickenger, U.S. Treasury Agent. In addition to investigating UFO cases on his own, he has had several sightings Involving multiple witnesses.

John Newland, Narrator Host/director of “One Step Beyond,” the classic 1950s-60s television series dealing with the reality of unexplained phenomena.

J. Edward Roush, Congressman, Indiana Chairman of the 1968 Congressional Symposium on UFOs, held before the House Science and Astronautics Committee.

George Wheeler, Police Officer. Thirty-year police veteran involved with a multiple witness UFO sighting in 1975.

Donald E. Keyhoe, Major, USMC Ret. Author of the book “Aliens From Space.” Renowned for his work in the UFO field, he helped to make UFOs an important public issue in 1950, and has always been the front-runner against military secrecy that surrounds UFOs.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek, Astronomer. Author of “The UFO Experience.” Former scientific consultant to the USAF on UFOs and chairman of the department of astronomy at Northwestern University. Currently director of the Lindheimer Astronomical Research Center, and of the Dearborn Observatory. He is also director of the newly-established Center for UFO Studies.

Paul Duich, Major, USAF Ret. Master Navigator with the Strategic Air Command who, along with other military witnesses, sighted a large UFO with small devices circling around it.

Dr. David Saunders, Psychologist. Author of “UFOs? Yes!” and ormer member of the famous controversial Condon Committee (U.S. government UFO study). He has created UFOCAT, a computerized listing of UFO sightings throughout the world.

Dr. Robert Wood, Radar Expert. Assistant director, Detection, Designation and Discrimination: Site Defense Program for McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Co.

Larry Coyne, Major, USAR. Commander of a four-man helicopter crew that experienced a terrifying UFO encounter in October 1973. He is currently writing a procedure format for both military and commercial pilots in case they encounter UFOs while in flight.

Stanton T. Friedman, Nuclear Physicist. The most outspoken scientist devoting full-time to lecturing on the UFO phenomenon.

Gen. James McDivitt & Col. Gordon Cooper, Astronauts. Both had UFO sightings and both outspoken on the probability of other forms of Intelligent life in the Universe.

Betty Hill, Social Worker. She and her husband, Barney, are the subjects of the book “The Interrupted Journey.” Their close encounter with a UFO and its occupants is the most documented and publicized of all such cases.

Herbert Schirmer, Police Officer. His reported close encounter with a UFO and occupants parallels the Barney and Betty Hill case, and is, next to theirs, the best documented case of its kind.