Fans around the world didn’t believe Paul Oakenfold was playing with only a 24 hour announcement. Well guess what - he did. It was the first ‘Storm’ AREA 51 BASECAMP and it felt akin to the first Burning Man - the start of something cosmic and profound. Legendary DJ (and musical O.G.) Paul Oakenfold rained down a symphony of audio-psychedelic bombs - he was armed with spinning dials and disks - assuredly one of the most intimate performances in the history of his musical mega-career. Just over 100 people were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time - for AREA 51 BASECAMP. Those who made the pilgrimage for YEAR ONE were able to witness the performance in an atmosphere of excitement - a foreboding optimism - he unified and transcended our experience under the domed firmament and chandelier stars. The faces in the audience told the tale. Our curiosity was weaponized; and it was transformative for those eager to be altered.
Oakenfold shared the stage with upcoming lyricist SUWANA who recently wrote a Bob Lazar rap with her collaborator Julian Mihdi - inspired by watching my Netflix documentary BOB LAZAR : AREA 51 & FLYING SAUCERS - and together artists cast a net of symbols and sounds to elevate our desire to know the truth about UFOs. Performances from the hyper-talented Aaron Haggerty and gang might have been pushed - but we pushed back and when necessary - went rogue and prevailed with a midnight recital to the gods of NOT GIVING A FUCK. Fashion luminaries like my friends at SAUCER - who promote the theme “Elevate Your Craft” - landed on the desert floor and did just that. Artists chose to bring awareness to the UFO mystery; and I’m grateful for that - for the desire. Oakenfold and friends brought the audience IN; and then then elevated us UP towards the vast expanse of the unknown.
We had expert speakers and ufologists including 'UFO Jane' Kyle, retired USAF Master Sergeant Jim Goodall and comedian Dave Foley - each presented the following day in what felt like a private and intimate grass-roots UFO conference. It was what UFO dreams are made of you see.
All counted in the desolate desert - it is reported that we were about 3,000 strong.
So what happens next? I will tell you once the mainstream news moves beyond the cartoon caravan of irrelevant gossip and fear-based half-truths. Soon we will have the silence needed to tell the REAL story; and we will explore the deeper meaning of the alchemy caused by those who simply said YES to contributing to something creatively. Maybe Rolling Stone will get it right - but it’s going to take grit and fortitude and several cans of soup and bottles of water - I’m optimistic.
“We should all strive to be credible witnesses to the evolution of humanity.” - said cinematographer Niles Harrison amidst a cacophonous cavalcade of psychedelic waves
Even those chained in Plato’s cave know there’s been a ‘Storm’ brewing for thirty years - since May 15th 1989 to be specific. That’s the day the fuse was lit by a man named Bob Lazar; a man who came forward on the news with Las Vegas investigative reporter - George Knapp. Lazar disclosed his account of attempting to reverse-engineer alien spacecraft for the United States military. This is how Area 51 became a household name; and it’s the reason the not-so-secret “secret-base” has become associated with UFOs and flying saucers in the first place.
Make no mistake about it. This cultural and social movement was born from an undercurrent of frustration and curiosity - born in the digital age and inspired by my film and amplified and punctuated by the POWERFUL JOE ROGAN and his courage. Rogan singlehandedly removed the decades of stigma lurking in each of our souls; the part of us that seeks to ridicule what we don’t understand. He let Lazar talk - as if it was normal. As if we could discuss these topics like we would discuss a coffee cup. And now this movement - it’s going to tangibly evolve and grow into something beyond expectation. Our collective will is determined to unleash a creative fury beyond the expanse of Pandora’s mortal imagination. Only the brave or lucky were at YEAR ONE of AREA 51 BASECAMP - and the payoff was profound.
The big picture is that YOU began this; and TOGETHER we did it. We achieved our goal. We unleashed beams of light and focused waves of gravity to illuminate UFO secrecy and ignite the necessary spark.
These are new and strange times in which we reside. So we showed the world that creativity and intent prevail; that we can build our moments and achieve our goals - all the while being mindful of infrastructure and safety.
We won - because in this moment - the moments matter. So now it’s up to YOU what happens next regarding UFO transparency. We create our own reality.
Weaponize your curiosity,
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
Creator, Extraordinary Beliefs

Bob Lazar rap by SUWANA and Julian Mihdi.
Weird UFO Show by the magnificent 'UFO Jane'