It’s been an encouraging couple weeks since George Knapp and I released some of the information we obtained regarding UFOs - and the US military photographing and engaging them. Throughout these weeks, mass media has embraced the UFO mystery with a new kind of hunger. A hunger, which accurately reflects the broadening curiosity and elevated public interest in understanding the UFO conundrum. We certainly have a lot to discuss and unpack. But right now, I would like to get directly to the point and give you today’s information drop…
DATE / TIME / LOCATION : The USS Omaha related UAP events depicted in the three images (one briefing slide) that I released a couple weeks ago - occurred on July 15th 2019 in the warning area off the coast of San Diego. The UAP event series reached a crescendo, with one of the numerous unknown targets entering the water at 11pm (PST). No wreckage was found / none of the craft were recovered.
PHOTOGRAPH / VIDEO : I’m also providing one additional still image from video - not released in the May 1st 2020 ONI UAPTF briefing - of that UAP encounter series. I have now released four images related to this event series - all were captured directly from a visual system aboard the USS Omaha.
It is my hope that by providing the exact date, time and location of the USS Omaha’s UAP encounters - I will be helping to activate more folks to become part of this developing story. UFO transparency is what the public is demanding - and we have a duty to collectively press the issue. With this precise information - I encourage people to file FOIA requests and initiate direct inquires to the Pentagon and DoD about the authenticity of the unclassified images and materials George Knapp and I have released - as well as - to seek confirmation on their origin and circumstance.
Many have questioned the legitimacy of the images and materials that George Knapp and I have released, so here in an opportunity for anyone - and everyone - to go ahead and seek out the information for yourselves. We do not know what, if anything, the Navy or Pentagon might be willing to say about the USS Omaha incident, but we are confident the incident is a legitimate mystery and look forward to whatever information might be forthcoming.
This is certainly a step in that direction. Go get ‘em tigers!
Weaponize Your Curiosity,
Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell
*Tips to (ask for secure network if sensitive)
NOTE : It’s important to mention that ensuring sources can speak freely and anonymously to journalists and reporters is a key protection provided by Shield Law. These protections of reporters' privilege - are established by the First Amendment and enforced by the Supreme Court of the United States. In a democratic and free society - Shield Law is a counter measure to ensure against the influence of power to deny transparency.
July 15th 2019 / 11pm (PST) / USS Omaha / Warning area off of San Diego / UAS = Unmanned Aerial System
USS Omaha (LCS-12)
July 2019 / USS Russell / Warning area off of San Diego / Strike Group 9
July 2019 / USS Russell / Warning area off of San Diego / Strike Group 9
"Recent UAP interactions have been put in our path with purpose, and should be looked upon as advantageous opportunities for future research. With every incursion, overflight and potential midair - it has never been more prudent to investigate this UAP phenomenon and deglamorize the UFO stigma through the ranks." - Senior Intelligence Officer, familiar with the recent UAP briefings